Tipo de Trabalho de Conclusão:
Linha de Pesquisa:
O presente trabalho destaca uma análise sobre como se dá a formação da práxis dos professores e professoras das escolas do campo, permeadas pela concepção curricular educacional do paradigma urbano e pela inserção e legitimação das normativas das políticas educacionais do campo. Nessa tessitura, a pesquisa se propõe investigar a práxis docente campesina, a normatização das políticas públicas das leis educacionais e a aplicabilidade do currículo educacional das escolas do campo, mediante suas diversas identidades ontológicas. A pesquisa se deu de forma qualitativa e quantitativa. Os pesquisados foram constituídos por 18 professores das escolas municipais: Escola Castro Alves no povoado São José e da Escola Antônio Ramalho no povoado Arrastapé, ambas localizadas no município de Paulo Afonso – BA. Para a obtenção dos dados optou-se pelo uso do questionário, entrevistas semiestruturadas, análise documental e bibliográfica. Os resultados permitiram observar que as normativas das políticas públicas educacionais que regem a educação do campo não são cumpridas em sua completude como foram elaboradas, desrespeitando assim, as diversidades, identidades e saberes dos povos do campo. A reelaboração da nova Base Nacional Comum Curricular, trouxe discussões no território curriculante do campo sobre os pressupostos identitários ausentes e negados aos coletivos educacionais campesinos na formação dos saberes universais, permitindo assim, refletirmos sobre as forças políticas, sociais e econômicas como base na formação de poder paradigmático e urbanocêntrico que rege os ditames hegemônicos de um currículo padronizado e desconstruído da realidade campesina
Educação do Campo. Políticas Públicas. Práxis Pedagógica. Currículo campesino.
This paper highlights an analysis of how the praxis of teachers of the country schools takes place, permeated by the educational curriculum conception of the urban paradigm and by the insertion and legitimation of the norms of the educational policies of the field. In this tessitura, the research aims to investigate the peasant teacher praxis, the standardization of public policies of educational laws and the applicability of the educational curriculum of the schools of the field, through their various ontological identities. The research took place in a qualitative and quantitative way. The researches were composed of 18 teachers from the municipal schools: Castro Alves School in the village of São José and the Antônio Ramalho School in the village arrastapé, both located in the municipality of Paulo Afonso – BA. To obtain the data, we opted for the use of the questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, documentary and bibliographic analysis. The results allowed us to observe that the norms of public educational policies that govern the education of the field are not fulfilled in their completeness as they were elaborated, thus disrespecting the diversities, identities and knowledge of the peoples of the field. The reelaboration of the new Common National Curriculum Base, brought discussions in the curriculante territory of the field on the absent and denied identity assumptions to peasant educational collectives in the formation of universal knowledge, thus allowing us to reflect on the political, social and economic forces as a basis for the formation of paradigmatic and urban-centric power that governs the hegemonic dictates of a standardized and deconstructed curriculum of peasant reality.
Field Education. Educational Public Policies. Pedagogical Praxis. Peasant Curriculum.
This paper highlights an analysis of how the praxis of teachers of the country schools takes place, permeated by the educational curriculum conception of the urban paradigm and by the insertion and legitimation of the norms of the educational policies of the field. In this tessitura, the research aims to investigate the peasant teacher praxis, the standardization of public policies of educational laws and the applicability of the educational curriculum of the schools of the field, through their various ontological identities. The research took place in a qualitative and quantitative way. The researches were composed of 18 teachers from the municipal schools: Castro Alves School in the village of São José and the Antônio Ramalho School in the village arrastapé, both located in the municipality of Paulo Afonso – BA. To obtain the data, we opted for the use of the questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, documentary and bibliographic analysis. The results allowed us to observe that the norms of public educational policies that govern the education of the field are not fulfilled in their completeness as they were elaborated, thus disrespecting the diversities, identities and knowledge of the peoples of the field. The reelaboration of the new Common National Curriculum Base, brought discussions in the curriculante territory of the field on the absent and denied identity assumptions to peasant educational collectives in the formation of universal knowledge, thus allowing us to reflect on the political, social and economic forces as a basis for the formation of paradigmatic and urban-centric power that governs the hegemonic dictates of a standardized and deconstructed curriculum of peasant reality.
Field Education. Educational Public Policies. Pedagogical Praxis. Peasant Curriculum.